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The disclosure that follows is our attempt to fully comply with the FTC’s policy that demands we be transparent about any and all affiliate relations we may have on this website. In plain English you, the visitor or customer, should assume that any and all links on this site are affiliate links. If you click on these links and go visit the resulting site, a cookie will be set in your web browser that will cause us to receive a commission “IF” you purchase a product on the other end. This is a legitimate way to monetize and pay for the operation of web sites and we gladly reveal our affiliate relationships to you.
In addition we fully disclose that hyperlinks on this site are in most cases shortened, and in some cases cloaked to hide long ugly links for functionality and tracking purposes. We have nothing to hide and we are proud of our relationship with the fine vendors, products and services found on this site. Link tracking, shortening and cloaking is a very common practice on all types of web sites.
Further, we do not receive physical products or cash directly in exchange for any reviews or posts you find on this site. No one has paid us to do reviews or posts. We have to tell you that it is possible that our reviews and posts are influenced by our affiliate relationships and may create a conflict of interest. We do not believe a conflict of interest exists, but you, the visitor or customer, must decide by considering the affiliate relationships and link techniques we have described. Obviously we would like you to buy the service or products we write about and we are influenced by that fact. We avoid conflict by only reviewing or posting about products and services we trust. We strive to always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on topics or products we write about and promote.
Other vendors may also pay to place advertising on our sites in the form of banners, widgets, and hyperlinks. These are paid advertisements and while we do our best to only allow quality products and services to be advertised on our site, we are not responsible for claims or testimonials made on paid advertising links.

Terms of Service

TERMS OF USE: By accessing and using any or all of this Internet Web site “”, the User agrees to be bound by these Terms of Use, conditions and disclaimer, and all applicable laws and regulations. If you, the User, do not agree with any part of this document, you must immediately discontinue any use of the Internet web site. These Terms of Use may change from time to time without notice and it is the User’s responsibility to check for updates. By using the Internet web site you, the User, are agreeing to be bound by the current version of these Terms of Use. The last revision date for these Terms of Use is set forth below. Any reference to in these Terms of Use shall mean and any of its associates or subsidiaries.

ACCURACY OF INFORMATION: All of the information on this web site is for informational and educational purposes only. While the information is believed to be accurate and the analysis is honestly offered, none of the information on this site should be considered solely reliable for use in making actual investment decisions. is a distributor (and not a publisher) of content based solely on publicly available information. None of the information on this web site is guaranteed to be accurate, complete, useful, or timely. does not warrant or guarantee such accuracy, completeness, usefulness, or timeliness. may make improvements and/or changes in the information and/or the services described herein at any time.

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Our Commitment To Privacy
This Privacy Policy is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect and use your personal information in connection with our advertising, content, e-commerce, promotional and service programs and other business activities (the “Program”) and to assist you in making informed decisions when using our site and our products and services and the sites of our advertisers.
What Information We Collect
When you visit our site we may collect two types of information: (a) personal information you actively choose to disclose and (b) information about you that is collected automatically by our servers or obtained from third parties in a way not visible to you.
(a) Information you actively choose to provide. By choosing to participate in our Program, you must become a Member by disclosing the following information, such as: your email address, name, address, phone number and birth date. During the process of registering on our site, participating in various offers, completing surveys, or sending us emails or correspondence, we collect additional information that you may disclose, including for example mobile telephone number, fax number, payment information (e.g., credit card number and billing address), credit information, social security number, health information and personal preferences regarding lifestyle, products or services.
(b) Passive information collected automatically by our servers or obtained from third parties. We collect some information about you simply by virtue of you connecting to our web site. Our servers automatically identify your computer by its internet protocol (”IP”) address, a unique string of numbers that is assigned to your computer by your internet service provider. In addition, to participate in our program you must allow cookies to be active on your system. Cookies are a feature of web browser software (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, etc.) that allows web servers to recognize which computer is used to access a web site. Cookies simplify subsequent interactions on our site and streamline your transactions on related web pages. Information collected through cookies may include the date and time of your visits, the site pages you viewed, the time spent at each page, and the web sites you visited just before and just after our site. You can disable the cookie function by following the instructions in the “help” section of your browser. However, doing so will likely make it impossible for our system to properly recognize you when you visit our sites, and consequently may make your participation in our program more difficult or impossible. In addition to the information you provide or that is collected automatically from our system, we may obtain information about you from our marketing partners or other third parties, and we combine that information with the information you actively provide or that is automatically collected by our servers.
The term “Information” is used in this policy to refer to both types of information described above, as well as any Information that you provide to us directly by phone (including any phone number displayed via caller ID), text or SMS message, U.S. mail or through any other written or oral communication with us.
How We Use And Share The Information Collected
We use your Information to administer our business activities, provide customer services such as technical support, distribute information about changes to our site, and send you, and enable others to send you, information about products and services that may be of interest to you and to contact you or use your Information for any other purpose. We send communications to you ourselves, and your Information also is shared with other organizations that may contact you for any purpose by email, phone, text message, U.S. mail or any other means of communication.
OPT-IN NOTICE: By Participating, You Expressly “Opt In” To Receive Information And Grant Us Permission To Share Your Information
By signing up for our Program you expressly opt in to receive future information about products and services from us and from a variety of advertisers to whom we may provide your Information. We will share your personal information with third parties, including our advertisers, for any reason we choose, including without limitation for the following purposes: (1) to operate our Program (including the transfer of the information to advertisers or to third parties who maintain on our behalf a list of persons having registered with our Program), (2) to permit advertisers or other third parties to use your Information for any purpose such as contacting you by email, phone, text message, U.S. mail or any other means of communication for any purpose, (3) to confirm you have completed all of the necessary steps to receive your gift, and (4) as we are required to do by law, including to notify the IRS that you received your gift. As a result, we will transfer your Information to third parties whose privacy policies and practices are beyond our control.
In addition, in the event we consider a transaction involving the purchase or sale of our assets or stock, other companies may review our records, including your Information, to make business decisions about the transaction. Likewise, your Information may be transferred to third parties in the event of the sale or acquisition of our company or any of its assets. The parties who perform services for us (credit card processors, merchant banks, our internet service provider, etc.) also may have access to your information in performing their services.
Special Note About Information You Provide Directly To Our Advertisers.
You are able to access certain advertiser’s sites through our site. When you opt to receive information or sign up for an offer from an advertiser, you may be doing so through third party sites and with other companies over which we have no control. You should read those sites’ privacy policies to make sure you agree to them before using such sites. If you wish to opt out of those advertisers’ mailings, you must do so directly with such advertisers or as otherwise provided on or through their sites.
Security Of Your Information.
We use reasonable technical efforts to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, or accidental loss or destruction of Information. However, nearly all Internet transmissions pass through many servers not controlled by us, and therefore we cannot guarantee that any information you provide us or we collect will not be intercepted or altered in that process. Also, as noted above, your Information is shared with third parties whose privacy policies and practices are beyond our control.
How You Can Choose To “Opt Out” Of Receiving Further Information About Products Or Services
Clicking the “Unsubscribe” link in our newsletter emails.
We will promptly update our records upon receiving your clear instructions to opt-out, but it may take up to ten (10) business days from our receipt of your request for the change to be fully effective. If you later give us a clear statement that you want to receive emails from us or our advertisers after such date, then that opt-in statement will supersede any earlier opt-out request. If we have already provided your email address or other information to an advertiser or other third party before we receive your opt-out request, we cannot prevent them from sending or continuing to send you information or emails and you will need to contact such third party directly.
How To Correct, Delete Or Access Your Information
If you wish to access, delete or correct the information you have provided to us through this site, please contact us through the Contact Us section of our site or through written request sent by U.S. mail to the Customer Service Manager at the address listed above.
Special Rights For Residents Of Certain States
If you are a California resident or another state with specific laws relating to the collection and use of Information, you may have specific rights not set forth in this policy. For example, California residents have the right to receive: a) information identifying any third party company(ies) to whom we may have disclosed, within the past calendar year, personal information pertaining to you and your family for the company’s direct marketing purposes; and b) a description of the categories of personal information disclosed. To obtain such information you must make a request in writing. Your request must include your name registration (email address), the site name you visited and a return address or it will not be processed. We will not honor such requests more than once per calendar year. Requests made via email will not be accepted. Please mail your request to Customer Service Manager at the address listed in the footer of this site or the Contact Us page.
PLEASE CHECK THIS PRIVACY POLICY PERIODICALLY FOR CHANGES AS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REVISE THIS PRIVACY POLICY. SUCH REVISIONS TO THE PRIVACY POLICY SHALL TAKE EFFECT WHEN POSTED. YOUR CONTINUED USE OF OUR SERVICES THROUGH ANY COMMUNICATION CHANNEL FOLLOWING THE POSTING OF ANY CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY POLICY CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH CHANGES.n various offers, completing surveys, or sending us emails or correspondence, we collect additional information that you may disclose, including for example mobile telephone number, fax number, payment information (e.g., credit card number and billing address), credit information, social security number, health information and personal preferences regarding lifestyle, products or services.
(b) Passive information collected automatically by our servers or obtained from third parties. We collect some information about you simply by virtue of you connecting to our web site. Our servers automatically identify your computer by its internet protocol (”IP”) address, a unique string of numbers that is assigned to your computer by your internet service provider. In addition, to participate in our program you must allow cookies to be active on your system. Cookies are a feature of web browser software (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, etc.) that allows web servers to recognize which computer is used to access a web site. Cookies simplify subsequent interactions on our site and streamline your transactions on related web pages. Information collected through cookies may include the date and time of your visits, the site pages you viewed, the time spent at each page, and the web sites you visited just before and just after our site. You can disable the cookie function by following the instructions in the “help” section of your browser. However, doing so will likely make it impossible for our system to properly recognize you when you visit our sites, and consequently may make your participation in our program more difficult or impossible. In addition to the information you provide or that is collected automatically from our system, we may obtain information about you from our marketing partners or other third parties, and we combine that information with the information you actively provide or that is automatically collected by our servers.
The term “Information” is used in this policy to refer to both types of information described above, as well as any Information that you provide to us directly by phone (including any phone number displayed via caller ID), text or SMS message, U.S. mail or through any other written or oral communication with us.
How We Use And Share The Information Collected
We use your Information to administer our business activities, provide customer services such as technical support, distribute information about changes to our site, and send you, and enable others to send you, information about products and services that may be of interest to you and to contact you or use your Information for any other purpose. We send communications to you ourselves, and your Information also is shared with other organizations that may contact you for any purpose by email, phone, text message, U.S. mail or any other means of communication.
OPT-IN NOTICE: By Participating, You Expressly “Opt In” To Receive Information And Grant Us Permission To Share Your Information
By signing up for our Program you expressly opt in to receive future information about products and services from us and from a variety of advertisers to whom we may provide your Information. We will share your personal information with third parties, including our advertisers, for any reason we choose, including without limitation for the following purposes: (1) to operate our Program (including the transfer of the information to advertisers or to third parties who maintain on our behalf a list of persons having registered with our Program), (2) to permit advertisers or other third parties to use your Information for any purpose such as contacting you by email, phone, text message, U.S. mail or any other means of communication for any purpose, (3) to confirm you have completed all of the necessary steps to receive your gift, and (4) as we are required to do by law, including to notify the IRS that you received your gift. As a result, we will transfer your Information to third parties whose privacy policies and practices are beyond our control.
In addition, in the event we consider a transaction involving the purchase or sale of our assets or stock, other companies may review our records, including your Information, to make business decisions about the transaction. Likewise, your Information may be transferred to third parties in the event of the sale or acquisition of our company or any of its assets. The parties who perform services for us (credit card processors, merchant banks, our internet service provider, etc.) also may have access to your information in performing their services.
Special Note About Information You Provide Directly To Our Advertisers.
You are able to access certain advertiser’s sites through our site. When you opt to receive information or sign up for an offer from an advertiser, you may be doing so through third party sites and with other companies over which we have no control. You should read those sites’ privacy policies to make sure you agree to them before using such sites. If you wish to opt out of those advertisers’ mailings, you must do so directly with such advertisers or as otherwise provided on or through their sites.
Security Of Your Information.
We use reasonable technical efforts to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, or accidental loss or destruction of Information. However, nearly all Internet transmissions pass through many servers not controlled by us, and therefore we cannot guarantee that any information you provide us or we collect will not be intercepted or altered in that process. Also, as noted above, your Information is shared with third parties whose privacy policies and practices are beyond our control.
How You Can Choose To “Opt Out” Of Receiving Further Information About Products Or Services
Clicking the “Unsubscribe” link in our newsletter emails.
We will promptly update our records upon receiving your clear instructions to opt-out, but it may take up to ten (10) business days from our receipt of your request for the change to be fully effective. If you later give us a clear statement that you want to receive emails from us or our advertisers after such date, then that opt-in statement will supersede any earlier opt-out request. If we have already provided your email address or other information to an advertiser or other third party before we receive your opt-out request, we cannot prevent them from sending or continuing to send you information or emails and you will need to contact such third party directly.
How To Correct, Delete Or Access Your Information
If you wish to access, delete or correct the information you have provided to us through this site, please contact us through the Contact Us section of our site or through written request sent by U.S. mail to the Customer Service Manager at the address listed above.
Special Rights For Residents Of Certain States
If you are a California resident or another state with specific laws relating to the collection and use of Information, you may have specific rights not set forth in this policy. For example, California residents have the right to receive: a) information identifying any third party company(ies) to whom we may have disclosed, within the past calendar year, personal information pertaining to you and your family for the company’s direct marketing purposes; and b) a description of the categories of personal information disclosed. To obtain such information you must make a request in writing. Your request must include your name registration (email address), the site name you visited and a return address or it will not be processed. We will not honor such requests more than once per calendar year. Requests made via email will not be accepted. Please mail your request to Customer Service Manager at the address listed in the footer of this site or the Contact Us page.

Info: You, the visitor or customer, should assume that any and all links on this site are affiliate links for which we may be compensated.
This website is for information and other promotions and is not affiliated with, sponsored by or endorsed by Netflix or any other similar merchants or vendors or companies or labels listed above or on our pages. Trademarks, service marks, logos, and/or domain names (including, without limitation, the individual names of products and retailers) are the property of their respective owners, who have no association with or make any endorsement of the products or services provided by this website.
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